Seth Meyers continues to not let Donald Trump get away with his unpresidential acts. So he did A Closer Look calling Trump out.
With everything going on in this world, Seth Meyers continually tries to make sense of all that is happening with Trump. For those who try and pretend the world isn’t folding in on itself, Trump continues to tweet about random things, deny his relationship with Putin, and so much more.
But Seth isn’t letting it go. Last night’s A Closer Look was all about how Donald Trump abuses his presidential power.
“So Trump is using the powers of the presidency to attack the courts, the press, and private companies. The president should not be using his office to benefit his family business. Next thing you know, Easy D is going to call a press conference to advertise his latest album.”
Meyers held no prisoners in his take done of Trump once again. He continues to show us the problems with this administration and is really coming into his own as a late night talk show host. The thing about everything going on is that we need someone like Seth to explain all that is happening.
Anymore, we have so many different sources coming at us that these ten minute segments he does really helps sort through all the news coming from the press and Trump himself. In a world where insanity seems to be our daily normal, Seth is providing a bit of clarity.
Related Story: Seth Meyers Tries to Understand the Insanity that is the Trump Administration
You can catch Seth every night on NBC and really, his is a show you don’t want to miss. Especially with segments like A Closer Look. He’s doing what most late night talk show hosts won’t.