The Most Popular Passages from the Outlander Book Series

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Do you know the most highlighted quotes from the Outlander book series? We have the list from all eight books. See if you favorite made the list.

Like most Outlander book series fans, you have your favorite quotes you can help reading over and over again. We have Outlander writer Diana Gabaldon to thank for that. She’s created such timeless characters who can convey what we feel in our hearts but can’t say. Gabaldon started writing the Outlander book series over 20 years ago as a test. I’m sure she never thought people would be reading her books now and never on smartphones or tablets. Now For book reader purest will disagree and say, the only way to read a book is a paper copy.

With electronic books becoming all rage, we book purist marked our favorite parts were with a highlighter, dog-ear the corner of the page. Most even work a reading crease into the binding. You can almost get the book to open to the page automatically. With the cost of Kindles and Nook electronic book reader going down, so does the sale of printed books. One of the best things to come out of ebook readers is being to ba able to track the most highlight passages of almost any book. This advancement technology is growing prevalence. It is making book reading a more social event. Gabaldon on her blog has admitted to using ebook readers and even boast to reading 3 or 4 books at the time. If a Kindle device is suitable for Gabaldon, then it’s good enough for me.

Using the Kindle highlighting feature we compiled all of the favorite passages from each book. It’s a pretty complete list, but there’s no guarantee your favorite made the list. What does stand out is the fact that Diana Gabaldon gives the best lines to our hero, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. Let’s take a look at the most highlighted quotes from the books for Kindle readers.