Jake Tapper Shares His Dirty Little Secrets to Spite the GOP

Of all the reporters in all the land, Jake Tapper is probably the last one that the GOP should really be worrying about. And yet here we are.

Jake Tapper is just like us! Except that he works for CNN and is known as a ‘threat’ to some Republicans. Actually, they want to ‘destroy him’ for how he spoke to Kellyanne Conway. For those who don’t know the story, Tapper simply asked Conway a question.

He asked when would Trump be offering his condolences to our neighbors to the North. Well actually that was just one of the many other instances in his interview with Kellyanne where he questions Trump’s response to Putin with Bill O’Reilly.

Watch this if you can stomach the idiotic ideas that Kellyanne Conway tries to spin. It’s hard. Mainly because she continually lies and thinks that no one catches her in them. Like the quote “He doesn’t tweet about everything” in regards to Donald Trump. He can tweet about Saturday Night Live weekly but he can’t send condolences to Canada?

So of course the GOP had problems with Tapper trying to question Conway. So they vowed to destroy him. That fueled Jake to release his dirty secrets on Twitter so that the GOP had no dirt on him. And can you believe that Jake Tapper played hookie in school to go see Star Wars? How dare he!

For more of the dirt on Jake Tapper, you can look at #TapperDirtFile on Twitter to see all the hot gossip on our favorite late afternoon cable news anchor!

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Jake Tapper may just be a simple man who has weird taste in Bruce Willis albums but we love him for his ability to look at this administration and shine the light we need on it.