Disney CEO Says Star Wars Land Will Open in 2019

To commemorate the final Star Wars entry in the sequel saga, Bob Iger said that Star Wars Land will open to the public by 2019.

The latest development at Disney is the not-so-subtle reminder that Disney is a money-hungry company that deserves to be held accountable just like everyone else.

As The Hollywood Reporter details, Bob Iger spelled out two things to investors that will make anybody who bets their bottom dollar on Disney very happy.

The first piece of news concerns one of the most ambitious theme park plans of late. Of course, theme parks are just several of the aces up Disney’s sleeves. Which is to say, Star Wars Land feels long overdue. However, it’s also rumored to be comparable to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Obviously, the Wizarding World sits at Disney’s top theme park competitors — Universal Studios and Island of Adventure.

Star Wars-themed land Disney Parks Concept Art Image Provided by Disney/Lucasfilm

According to rumors, Star Wars Land will features attractions that would put visitors behind the helm of the Millennium Falcon. In addition to the Star Tours ride that already exists, flying the Millennium Falcon seems like the only thing that would be an indisputable hit.

Unless they incorporate real lightsabers. If they can do that, then yeah, take my money.

Originally announced in 2015, Iger says Star Wars Land will be open in 2019. So, we only have to wait two years to see just how big this theme park will be.

And the second piece of news includes the big kahuna, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. After seeing an early screening, Iger promised investors that Episode VIII “will be a great next installment to the Skywalker story”.

On another note, have we always been describing Star Wars saga films with the term “Skywalker” story? Why are we emphasizing Skywalker as a descriptor?

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.