20 Self Care Tips for Warriors of the Resistance

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Make a positivity jar

It’s not always easy, but finding something to be positive or thankful about everyday is worth it. Find a jar, and every day, fill it with one scrap of paper saying what made you happy that day – a thought, a person, a place, a thing…whatever it may be, put it in the jar. On days when the world seems too hard, too cold, or just too much, reach into your jar and pull out a scrap – or two – to remind you of all the things you have to make you happy in life, big or small.

Not sure where or how to start your happiness project? Check out Pinterest for some inspiration. There’s no one right way to make your jar – you can add one happy thought a day to a mason jar, a fish bowl, whatever you’d like, just one good thing that happened to you, even a single word. You can try saving the jar for the end of the year, and reading them all after 365 days to reflect on your year. For those less patient, you can pick out one note every morning to start your day off on the right foot.

However you want to do it, there’s no one stopping you – just let yourself note the happiness in your life. It’ll make the dark days a little lighter.