20 Self Care Tips for Warriors of the Resistance

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2017 Women’s March, Washington, DC (Image via Kalistrya)

Life under the leadership of Donald Trump has been nothing short of stressful. Here are our top 20 tips for self-care while fighting in the Resistance.

Donald Trump has been President for less than three weeks, and the world has already been a little tenser and a lot different looking for it. Marches are becoming a near weekly occurrence, protests are the norm, and political debates with family, friends and strangers alike are nothing short of exhausting. As necessary as the fight may be, as much as the world needs our fight at the moment, it’s just as important to practice self-care – perhaps now more than ever.

After all, how can you fight the world if you’re not taking care of yourself, warrior?

We’ve rounded up our top 20 tips for a little relaxation and rejuvenation for those putting up the good fight, so that tomorrow, you can be your best self for whatever comes next. Let yourself be selfish from time to time. Let yourself breathe. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the fight ahead of us will be long – at least four years long – but worth it.

So let’s survive it best we can, shall we?