Love & Hip Hop NY S7E13 “Cancún: Part 2” Recap- 3 Wildest Moments

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2. Bonding As Mothers

Anima came into town so that Peter’s family could see the kids. He sat her down and they discussed how things haven’t been resolved between them. (She just up and left to L.A., after Peter couldn’t settle down with her, or Tara. Instead, he just switched back and forth between both.) She said that he never asked her to come back and give it another shot, which she would be willing to do. Peter lets her down by lying about his push to be with Tara. Instead, he tells her that he doesn’t want to put her through any more pain and that he wants a divorce. She agrees, but says he’ll be sorry.

Peter had a family get-together to welcome baby Bronx. He asked Amina if she would consider moving back, so that he could be closer to the kids. Amina told him that it wouldn’t work because they would just slip back into old habits. He begged a little, to no avail. But he did add that they could still be tight, even after she leaves.

Tara walked in with the boys, and it appears that Peter has gotten all of his ten children together. Instead of making trouble, Tara talked to Amina and they bonded as mothers for the first time ever. They let the past go and agreed to both move forward, without all of the drama. Both claim they are done with Peter, but will work with him as friends for their kids. However, isn’t that what they always.