What the Harry Potter Series Taught its Fans about Evil Men

The Harry Potter series has taught us a lot of things throughout the years but it truly taught to not let the evil men win.

With the Harry Potter series, we learned a lot. It taught all of us to accept one another, to never turn our back on our friends, and the importance of those we choose to keep close to us. But it also showed us how to deal with the evils of the world.

The entire series is set around Harry and Lord Voldemort facing off with one another. Voldemort is literally the representation of all things evil in this world. No, really. There isn’t a debate with that. And if there is, what are you doing?

But no matter your views on Tom Marvolo Riddle, you have to agree that he is meant to be the embodiment of the evil and corrupt of the world. There is also the evil that is Professor Umbridge but that is a different view of an evil person. Because with Umbridge, she’s just terrible and one of those people who you never want to see happiness happen for.

Both show us that there are different evils in this world and we just have to be the good light that the world needs. We need to be the Harry Potter in our own story. And that’s what is so special about this series. We were taught to strive to be the best we can be and not be the evil we see.

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So we as Harry Potter fans know that evil is everywhere but at least we know how to recognize it and try and stop it. And we have J.K Rowling to thank for that.