South Park Will Pump the Brakes on Mocking Donald Trump

It’s a show that dives balls deep into political and societal satire, no apologies needed. But now, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are running out of things to parody.

Just like the times, South Park is ever-changing. From its humble cardboard cut out beginnings in 1997, the show has garnered millions of fans worldwide, hitting 277 episodes with its 20th Season. The world is now waiting on bated breath for what else creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone will come up with, after an explosive season that tied in the presidential election, PC culture, and internet trolling. But Parker and Stone now say it’s time for them to back off Donald Trump.

Episode 2008 “Members Only” Photo Credit: Comedy Central

But why?

A Sign of the Times

In a new interview with Australia’s ABC News, Parker and Stone say it’s just too difficult to mock “everybody in government” right now. “They’re already going out and doing the comedy,” says Parker, “It’s not something you can make fun of.”

“It feels like it’s going to be more difficult,” Stone adds, “We’re having our head blown off like everybody else.”

The past two seasons showcased a presidential election arc where schoolteacher Mr. Garrison became a fast and loose parody of President Trump. There was a stunning scramble to rewrite Episode 7 “Oh Jeez” after the election results came in, which South Park flawlessly kept up with. But now the creators feel they can’t keep up with the lightning-fast paced news cycle.

“It’s really tricky now as satire has become reality,” Parker notes, “What was actually happening was way funnier than anything we could come up with. So we decided to just back off and let [politicians] do their comedy and we’ll do ours.”

Promotional Image: South Park Photo Credit: Comedy Central

Next: Reuters Editor in Chief On How to “Cover Trump The Reuters Way”

The next season of South Park will air sometime in September. iDigitalTimes predicts Season 21 will begin on September 13th. Don’t forget, the show has been renewed for at least another two seasons after this one!