Here are 25 of the Best Super Bowl Half Time Performances Ever

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6. Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson

Look you don’t have to watch this and you don’t even have to remember the songs or what happened during this performance. But you do have to remember the very ending of it. There have been may theories about the end of this show.

Was it because they knew they weren’t going to be one of the greats? Was it because they just needed a shock value? Or did Justin Timberlake really accidentally take off Janet Jackson’s star to reveal her nipple on National Television with the majority of the country watching?

It’s not like the rest of the performance was bad. It was Janet Jackson and what we love about her mixed with everything we love about Justin Timberlake. But it also had Kid Rock and a whole slew of other performers mixed in. The problem is that none of us really remember the whole performance.

But we do remember the nip slip heard around the nation. Since we’ve forgotten it happened unless we’re talking about the Super Bowl halftime but for a while when you talked about Janet and Justin, that’s all you referred to.

So let the legacy live on. Talk about the nip slip and continue to wonder why in god’s name Justin aggressively ripped off her top.