So Why Is There An Uber Boycott?


Over the weekend a massive ban on the rideshare company Uber began making its way across social media. Well, here’s why.

There are a number of reasons as to why Uber became the subject of a trending hashtag and encouragement to be banned over the weekend as outrage increased over the recent Executive Order banning travel for seven countries.

The first issue the boycotters took with Uber was the following tweet, which Uber sent as people flocked to New York’s JFK Airport to protest the ban:

Okay, so they realized that surge pricing might look bad and as if the company was profiting from the outrage associated with the ban. And thus, they turned it off. No problem, right? Well earlier in the day, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance tweeted that they would go on strike for trips to and from the airport for an hour in solidarity with the protesters.

So now, Uber’s tweet seems a little bit like they were undercutting the taxi strike by encouraging people to use Uber instead. However, technically that tweet was sent after the taxi protest hour was over. So maybe, it wasn’t quite as bad as we thought?

During all of this, Lyft took a strong stand against the ban. Which probably didn’t help with all of the Uber confusion.

Plus, there is a whole other issue when it comes to Uber. The CEO of Uber, Travis Kalanick, accepted a position on Trump’s economic advisory board, saying that the company will “partner with anyone in the world as long they’re about making transportation in cities better, creating job opportunities, making it easier to get around, getting pollution out of the air and traffic off the streets.” But Kalanick has also voiced strong opposition to the recent travel ban.

So really, the line is blurry on this one and looking at all of the facts is the best way to decide whether you’d like to continue personally using Uber. Other options? Well, Lyft has pledged to donate $1 million to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). And there is always the option of investing in local public transportation.

Related Story: Samantha Bee: Who March The World? Girls.

In this highly charged political climate, it is best to stay informed and make decisions based on your own research and ethics.