Here are 5 Evil Villains that Donald Trump Reminds Us of
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1. Jabba the Hutt
Carrie Fisher was the biggest supporter of the fact that Donald is Jabba the Hutt. And she is so very right. “Soon you will learn to appreciate me,” Jabba said as he was overly sexualizing a woman against her will. Sound like anyone we know?
And yes, there is a more evil villain in Star Wars that Trump could be like but let’s be honest, Trump is a gross space slug that thinks women should be lucky he finds them attractive. You know who that sounds like? Well, our dear Jabba the Hutt! That’s who!
Image courtesy of Disney
Here is the thing about Jabba: he’s gross. Not in the fact that he’s literally a slug but also the way his mind works is disgusting as well. He thinks women are his toys and that his desire of them is a gift. And just to remind everyone, Trump did say that he would “grab them by the p****” and that women let him because he’s a celebrity.
If that wasn’t bad enough, Jabba also is a businessman who does whatever he has to to come out the winner. Even if it means lying and cheating. Again, the comparisons to Trump are writing themselves. So in the Star Wars universe, the most accurate connection to Donald the Trump is Jabba the Hutt himself.