14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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Atom and Wells and Charlotte. Oh my.

Yeah, remember all of them? They all had pretty unfortunate fates, and call me completely crazy, but in each of these scenes, I fell more and more in love with this show.

The darker, the better, I thought.

Here’s why each one is critical to season 4:

Atom’s Death: Bellamy didn’t have it in him to kill Atom so Clarke had to do it for him. To piggy back off of what I was saying earlier about Bellamy and Clarke, I think this scene is where Bellamy truly gained respect for Clarke, and not only as a leader but as a person, and as a friend. I think this moment changed their entire dynamic and is what shaped how they lead together. They understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and that will certainly play into season 4.

Well’s Death: Honestly, I really think Well’s death is where we begin to see the change in Jaha. He lost the person who was most important to him- his son. He wanted to erase that pain he felt so he went into the City of Light and never wanted to come out. Now that all of his pain is back in season 4, how are we going to see him deal with it? Not well, I imagine.

Charlotte: To me, this is the point when I realized that The 100 has no limits. Like, none. And it hasn’t proved me wrong yet.