14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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Bellamy loves Clarke and always has.

Clarke and Bellamy didn’t exactly get off on the right foot once they hit the ground. They both had very different ways of running things and they both desperately wanted their way to be the only way. Clarke wanted to find Mount Weather and make sure the adults knew that the ground was survivable. Bellamy, on the other hand, pretty much wanted the opposite. After all, he shot the chancellor and he was well aware of what his punishment would be once the adults came down.

So, it was no surprise that the two butted heads a lot in season 1. But throughout the season, these little scenes would pop up that made me wonder if that hate was just on the surface. Like when Bellamy saved Clarke from the “panther pit.” This was in the very early stages of the series. If Bellamy really hated Clarke and her way of leading, he could’ve easily not saved her. Or when Bellamy watched Clarke kill Atom. Or when Bellamy helped Clarke try and save Charlotte. You see their respect grow for one another, and I think it’s safe to say that Clarke is part of the reason Bellamy changed from how he was in the first episode.