14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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Coming down from the CoL.

We defeated ALIE. We deleted the City of Light. We’re back in reality so everything’s good, right?


Think about all of the insane shit everyone did to one another when they were manipulated by ALIE. Just to spit out a few: Abby torturing Clarke, Raven slitting her wrists, Jaha crucifying Kane. That’s some seriously crazy stuff. And we already got a small taste of the guilt they felt at the very end of season 3’s finale when Abby sobbed into Clarke’s arms. How is everyone else going to be effected by this? I can’t imagine that they’re all going to feel peachy about what they’ve done to each other.

So, going into S4, we’re not only faced with a new physical  threat, we’re now facing the emotional threat of memories, depression, guilt, and anger. How are people going to channel energy to fight for something thats seems impossible. Especially with all that they’ve been through. And to go back to my favorite point, once a delinquent, always a delinquent- we have our “scooby-gang,” as Jo Garfein has notoriously named them, who haven’t been chipped. Monty, Bellamy, Octavia, Harper, Miller, Clarke (okay, she was chipped but that doesn’t count), and then Raven who was originally chipped but was smart enough to get the hell out of there.