14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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Ice Nation vs. Skaikru.

It’s pretty obvious that Ice Nation hates Skaikru and Skaikru hates Ice Nation. Except for Octavia, I think. Can we all agree on that? We can thank Queen Nia for that. We knew this through the first few episodes of season 3. Like when Ice Nation set out for Wanheda’s head. Like when the Ice Nation’s ambassador “teased” Lexa for Clarke and her people being Lexa’s weakness (to which he got booted off the Polis tower). Like when Ice Nation blew up Mount Weather with 40 Skaikru inside. Like when… Okay, you get the point.

These two groups have never seen eye to eye. With King Roan now leading, I imagine the tension between them to not be as bad as it was with Queen Nia. At least I hope. But we do still have an entire clan of people who strongly believe that Skaikru shouldn’t be in the coalition, even though Kane still has the brand of it. It seems as though a lot of season 4 revolves around this relationship between Skaikru and Ice Nation, so I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of Echo in the upcoming episodes.