14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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RIP Maya and Mount Weather.

Maya. Nooooooo. You were so good to us. You didn’t deserve this. But it had to happen.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest…

Maya’s death was so important to the season 2 storyline (and season 3… and season 4…). Not only because it completely influenced Jasper’s storyline, but it also drastically affected Monty’s and the relationship between them. Jasper is suffering serious PTSD from it and blames a lot of his pain on his best friend. While I think Monty knows what he did was the right thing to do, he can’t help but to feel guilty about it. From the S4 trailer, we got a small taste of where the #Jonty arc is going and it seems to start with a shower high-five. Hey, at least they’re bathing.

Can we also talk about Clarke in regards to Maya’s death too? Hear me out. I know Clarke needed to do this to save everyone; it had to happen. But it also showed us that she is literally willing to risk anything to save these people. This is about to sound weird but I needed to see her get to this level after letting Mount Weather bomb TonDC. Her irradiating level 5 and killing Maya (and anyone else that helped them try to escape) proved that it wasn’t just Lexa’s influence on her to not evacuate TonDC when they found out about the missile.

I can’t say I blame her. I mean, I’d pull that damn lever too if I were in that situation (*knocks on wood*) but it finally cements for us how far Clarke will actually go.