14 Things That Will Shape Season 4 of The 100

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Clarke’s Moral Compass.

Can we talk about the bombing at TonDC? Clarke found out about this missile and rushed to TonDC to warn everyone about it and evacuate them. Lexa had a different plan- leave everyone there so it doesn’t seem like they know, and then her and Clarke escape. While I understand where Lexa is coming from and in the end, it all (kind of) worked out for the best, I can’t help but to think about what Clarke would’ve done if Lexa wasn’t there. Would she have evacuated everyone? I wasn’t sure during this point.

A huge aspect of why I love this show is because it’s a constant battle between right and wrong. What’s actually the right thing to do? If your ultimate goal is to save your people, if that’s really the case, then is anything you do actually wrong? But then it also gets into the question of who are your people? You’re risking some of your people to save others of your people- how do you decide who gets saved? Which brings me back to my first point in this article- once a delinquent, always a delinquent. Clarke found a family with the delinquents and her priority, at this point, was getting them out of Mount Weather, even if it cost the life of a few others.