Seth Meyers Strikes Again with his Take on Donald Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims


Seth Meyers is proving time and time again that he is the late night talk show host to watch with his takes on Donald Trump. This time, it’s voter fraud.

Donald Trump has been claiming voter fraud ever since his win against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. That’s right. The winner is claiming there is voter fraud. It makes absolutely no sense. Want to know why he’s making such a big deal about it? Because he didn’t win the popular vote, Hillary did. By a landslide.

But that’s because, according to Trump, 3 to 5 million people voted illegally. But now, to him, voting illegally means being registered in two different states. Which is perfectly legal. Because, you know, people move.

So Seth Meyers decided to do a segment of Hey! about the voter fraud claims.

The best part of this entire segment is that even Seth can’t give Trump a break. Most talk show hosts tear him a part and then look for the upside but Seth can’t even do that. He’s just tired of it all just like the rest of us.

The entire segment featured Seth pointing out the flaws in Trump’s claim. And he didn’t even touch on the fact that half of the ‘illegal’ things Trump is saying about voter fraud are perfectly legal.

To be fair, maybe Trump doesn’t understand that you can be registered to vote in two different states, you just can’t vote in two different states. Chances are though, he doesn’t really care either way. He just wants to win to say he won everything.

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Catch Seth Meyers on NBC every weeknight 12:35 EST. Honestly, he is the one late night talk show host you don’t want to miss.