The Brilliant Ending of the Mary Tyler Moore Show Still Rings True Today


The Mary Tyler Moore Show changed the world for women in television writing for it and writing about it and the finale is one to still remember.

The Mary Tyler Moore Show taught women everywhere that they can be whatever they want. If you want to write for television, you can do it. Women are powerful and free beings to do whatever they want. It was especially resonant to have someone who had risen to fame playing a housewife in black and white only the decade before suddenly burst into full color, and throw her hat to the sky. She was a housewife no more, but single and loving it. She was going to make it after all.

Looking back at the finale of the show, lo these forty years later, it still holds up. Not just to viewers and fans of the show, but to anyone who really loves television. Why? Because even our favorite modern shows got inspiration from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. More specifically, 30 Rock starring Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin.

Yes it’s 15 minutes, but it’s worth it. Prepare for *all* the feels.

But what is great about the ending of The Mary Tyler Moore Show is that it was one of the first sitcoms ever to do what put it on the map. They let a woman lead, and be the one we all wanted to succeed. It had women writers on its staff. Without a show like The Mary Tyler Moore Show, sitcoms like 30 Rock and even Parks and Recreation wouldn’t have been able to exist.

It took the dynamic of a woman and her male boss and explored it in an interesting way. It wasn’t until the last season that we even saw the two go on a date and while it didn’t necessarily work out how fans would have wanted, it fit for the show. (Much like the relationship between Jack and Liz on 30 Rock.)

Related Story: Remembering Mary Tyler Moore By Turning the World On with a Smile

We love you Mary. You’re an inspiration to women and television writers everywhere. Your work will live on for generations to come and we women owe a lot to you. Rest in peace.