Late Night with Seth Meyers: Women’s March and Alternative Facts

Seth Meyers takes “A Closer Look” at the Women’s March, alternative facts, and just how much the Trump administration as lied on Late Night last night.

Between 3 and 4 million people march on January 21, 2017, proving to be what analysts believe the largest protest in history. Meyers kicks off the segment with a compilation of news casts from around the world- Los Angeles, Birmingham, Sydney, Boston, Berlin, even Antarctica.

Imagine being so disliked that people are willing to go outside and protest you in Antarctica. That’s like if you climbed Mt. Everest, and when you got to the top, their was a guy standing there booing you.

Then, of course, he chose a few signs to show. Because it’s not a good pretest until you have some funny signs, right?

My personal favorite: Just, Ugh. 

Check out the full clip here:

Women’s March attendees far outnumbered inauguration numbers, but Press Secretary Sean Spicer seems to not believe that, being quoted saying “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.” To which Meyers responds, “Period? I think you mean double question mark.” But Kellyanne Conway has other opinions, who said Spicer was just using “alternative facts.” Is that what we’re going to see for the next 4 years? Alternative facts?

Kellyanne Conway is like someone trying to do the Jedi mind trick after only one week of Jedi training,” Meyers jokes. “‘These are not the droids you are looking for.’ ‘Yeah, they are, those are my droids!’ ‘No, there are ‘alternative robots.’”

Next: Colbert vs. Meyers on Donald Trump’s Latest “Leak:” Who Did It Better

It’s only day 4 of Trump’s America and it seems as though it’s already gotten worse. How many alternative facts are we going to have to put up with? How many “A Closer Look” segments are going to focus on Donald Trump’s incompetence? Only time will tell. Just, ugh.