Face Off Season 11: Meet the All Star Cast

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Image via Syfy

Season 9: Jasmine Ringo

As we get into the final two seasons of Face Off that have aired in the last eighteen months, we get into some of the weaker links of the upcoming season. But though they may not have produced as impressive work as some of the others, these are also the contestants who have done the show most recently and will be able to slide back into the routine most easily.

Jasmine, for instance, was merely a mushy middler of her season–it took me a bit to find a make up she had done that was on par with the others. This was my favorite, even though it didn’t get her the win (the only win she had was in a team format).

Jasmine was one who did not survive the newest challenge that was introduced in Season 9: the Gauntlet. I am hoping the Gauntlet stays this season (it’s probably the best idea the show has had in years), and we all hope Jasmine can survive a second run through it.