Face Off Season 11: Meet the All Star Cast

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Image via SyFy

Season 8: Emily Serpico

Much like Adam, Emily is another contestant who deserved better. She was only 18 when she did Season 8, and her personality was not only overshadowed by mentor Laura, she was basically hung out to dry by her in the finale, which was hard to watch. Emily was practically a child prodigy, turning out designs that were far beyond her years , and yet the focus was always on Laura, and Laura’s other favorite, Darla.

Emily has had a couple of years to grow and learn since Face Off Season 8 (though not many, she’s still going to be the youngest contestant this year, and only 20, which means she’s still not legal drinking age!) She currently works as a wig and hair designer, which also means she’s not been honing her makeup skills every day. Let’s hope the preternatural talent she displayed the first time is still as sharp as it was before.