Face Off Season 11: Meet the All Star Cast

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Image via Syfy

Face Off returns to our televisions after a year away with their second run at a season of returning contestants. Let’s run through this year’s All-Stars.

Face Off, SyFy’s most successful show of the past decade, finally returns to our screens tonight after a year off. Since Season 4, Syfy had been running the production at full tilt, doing two cycles a year as long as the ratings were strong.

But like all reality shows that air too many seasons too close together, the quality of the contestants dipped in the last couple of seasons, even as the production itself came up with better ideas for challenges and finally worked out an appropriate finale. The ratings slide must have gotten noticeably worse in 2016, as the fall season was scrapped in favor of returning to a single cycle per year, and turning the show back into “event television”.

After being gone so long, the show also seems to be worried that the audience will need more than just a new season to bring them back. And so we are having an All-Star season, the bulk of which are pulled from Seasons 6-10. (This makes sense, since Season 5 was the show’s last run as an All-Star season with Vets vs Rookies.)

But who are these artists? And what sort of work should we expect from them? We run down the cast of the new season below.