11 Shocking Moments from the Fourth Season of Sherlock

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4. Sherlock’s Relapse

Sherlock and his drug problem has come about many times throughout the run of the show. It is a reoccurring theme and he has to battle his demons frequently. This time though, his demons almost killed him. His drug use landed him in the hospital where Culverton tried to kill him.

So if his own drugs hadn’t gotten to him, Culverton Smith would have. But John Watson came to the rescue, per usual. His drug relapse though reminds us all of why Sherlock is an extremely interesting character. The drugs were said to help him think through cases but, in this sense, it distorted his reality and he wasn’t sure what was what.

Still though, a clean Sherlock is just a better Sherlock. He’s sharper and more in tune with what is happening around him. And to be honest, Sherlock has to always be aware. That’s when he is the smartest.

But his drug relapse was pretty surprising. Not because we didn’t think he’d relapse, but rather because it was just strange that he did. He did it for John but also, what part of Sherlock truly misses the drugs in his system? It brings up an interesting point about Sherlock that maybe we’ll get discussed later on.