11 Shocking Moments from the Fourth Season of Sherlock

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Courtesy of the BBC

7. Mrs. Hudson

This season found Mrs. Hudson not taking any crap from Sherlock and John. Repeatedly she would yell at them that she was not their housekeeper before, but this was different. This season, Mrs. Hudson wasn’t going to let anyone tell her she was just their landlady.

She continued to prove herself throughout the season and make us remember that Mrs. Hudson is not one to be messed with. She basically fixed John and Sherlock’s relationship and forced them to be friends once again.

Truly, Mrs. Hudson is a gem and this season did an amazing job with her character. She didn’t let anyone walk all over her and she didn’t have to have Sherlock or John stand up for her. While it was great when they did, it wasn’t completely necessary.

She can clearly defend herself. Mrs. Hudson also has an amazing car. In the second episode of the season, she drives her amazing car to make a huge scene to get the attention of John so he can help Sherlock. Because she’s afraid that Sherlock is going to kill himself with his drug use. Honestly, she is so special. She didn’t want her family to be hurt and so she had to protect them both.