11 Shocking Moments from the Fourth Season of Sherlock

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Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in “Sherlock” Season 4. (Photo: Courtesy of Todd Antony/Hartswood Films 2016 for MASTERPIECE)

8. Serial Killer Culverton Smith

The episode with Culverton Smith was honestly really surprising and shocking. Mainly because watching Sherlock almost die and having John have to stop his mourning to go and save him was interesting enough on its own. But then we had the added bonus of Culverton.

Culverton was responsible for being a leader and someone who people respected and also for murdering people. Quite the twist, right? Well, it sure had us surprised. And the whole thing with Faith Smith coming to Sherlock also made the episode incredible.

Culverton, played by Toby Jones, was obviously a very creepy character. And maybe that is because of Toby’s talent but also he was just pretty scary. The episode ends up with Sherlock at his mercy and he almost dies until John Watson comes and saves him.

But really, having someone as creepy as Culverton on the show was pretty shocking. After Moriarty, you’d think they’d stay away from creepy men who want to murder and don’t care about people in general but here we are.

No matter how we felt about Culverton though, he makes for a very scary villain. And that’s one thing we can always trust for Sherlock to do. They love the creepy white dudes.