New Trailer for Upcoming King Arthur Movie Is Nothing New

The new trailer for another spin off of the fable story, King Arthur, got a major 2017 makeover.

After being delayed for release from last summer’s blockbuster’s lineup to the doldrums of February (tag line: Where Bad Movies Go To Die), and then pushed back *again* back into summer blockbuster territory this coming May, the new trailer for King Arthur: Legend of the Sword is now available for all to see. The trailer, featuring Charlie Hunnam as Arthur and Jude Law as “obvious antagonist is obvious”, is nonstop action and men yelling in slow motion.

The story goes all the same: Boy from the streets rising to be king via taking a sword out of stone while fighting the forces of evil. The acting might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least the effects were there and they are pretty damn cool.

Check out the new trailer here:

For the people going for the men fighting monsters, witches, and bad magic men, oh my, then this is going to an experience for you. For those who want to see something else, well, not so much. Oh, for the people who want to see badass women in film? There’s one and from what I got she’s a witch, and who doesn’t love witches?

The trailer thrives on it’s ability to get the heart racing with it’s intense trailer music paired with well-timed slow motion, so golf clap to that. The acting is a work in progress, a little rough around the edges if you will, but hey, everyone has that one movie. Yes, it might throw a wrench in the whole “women empowerment” thing that’s happening now with only one woman (so far) in it, but hey, at least there is a 20ft monster stepping on people. In the end, King Arthur will have you saying “oh my God”, now whether that’s negative or positive, that will be left up to you.

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The movie is set to hit theaters May 12th.