The Women’s March: Some of the Best Tweets and Photos

Today, there were Women’s Marches all around the globe, and we’ve rounded up some of the best tweets and photos posted to social media.

Today marked the Women’s March, which started out as a Washington, D.C. only event but expanded to include sister marches all around the world. Not only did reports come that the D.C. march could barely make it to the White House because of crowding, people expressed themselves on social media. That included celebrities as well as ordinary people.

Speaking of celebrities, here’s Sir Ian McKellen at the London march:

Janelle Monaé was just one of many to speak at the DC march. During her speech, she said, “Whenever you want to give up, you must always choose freedom over fear.”

The DC march proved the biggest. Here’s just one example. Check out all of those pink hats!

No, seriously, check out those pink hats:

However, marches took place all around the world, including in Antarctica.

Here’s a GIF of the Chicago march, which eventually turned into a rally:

Meanwhile, here’s a collection of some of the marches, including ones in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Minnesota.

Here’s one of the Vancouver march. The caption reads, in part, “Ahead of 15,000+ marchers, 1st Nations Elders & Drummers pass #Trump Tower”.

Actress Arden Cho summed up the point of the marches, and one might recognize “Women’s rights are human rights” as most famously used in Hillary Clinton’s Beijing speech.

Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois also spoke at the DC march.

"Sen. Tammy Duckworth: “I didn’t give up — literally parts of my body — to have the Constitution trampled on.”— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 21, 2017"

But, of course, the signs also made for fun reading, even as they made powerful points. Star Wars seemed to be a common theme, especially nods to Princess Leia in honor of actress Carrie Fisher.

“A woman’s place is in the Resistance,” indeed.

The ACLU also tweeted out photos. Here’s one of a young protester:

Speaking of sashes, director Ava DuVernay shared a powerful video tracing the history of women’s protests. Check it out below:

The tweet came with the caption “I do not weep at the world. I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife,” which comes from author Zora Neale Hurston.

The ACLU also tweeted this photo out:

Another great sign came from this little girl, who drew Wonder Woman and urged all wonder women to come together.

But not all the kids at protests were girls. That’s important, too. This sign reads “Boys will be boys,” with the second boys crossed out and replaced with “good humans”.

And, finally, here’s some advice from the Women’s March Twitter account about what to do:

First, they recommend you call Congress daily. Second, join an advocacy group, if you can. Third, form a “personal rapid response team”.

Next: How to Stay Politically Active Over the Next Four Years

The photo reads “Expect us”, and that may just be the most powerful thing of all.

Also, please feel free to share some of your favorite moments with us in the comments below!