Getting To The Bottom Of The Bottle: 25 Best Bottle Episodes

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Photo: NBC

Community – “Cooperative Calligraphy”

This episode is the most self-aware of them all, which is fitting for a show that lived in a constant state of meta consciousness. In the history of entertainment, there’s never been a show that lived so close to being cancelled, all the time. They were not afraid to break the fourth wall and speak to audiences directly about their own situations.

This is exactly how it goes down in its take on the bottle episode, “Cooperative Calligraphy”, when Annie’s pen is stolen and they’re trapped in a study room until someone confesses or is found out. Yes, it’s as silly as it sounds, but it’s not even close to being the most insane storyline in Community.

Abed immediately identified what is happening, declaring he “hates bottle episodes,” and precedes to outline what happens in almost every single bottle episode.

Even though I’ve explained what a bottle episode is above, I think Abed does a better job at evoking the cynicism a bottle episode can bring up. It is a bit of a gimmick, after all, and Community isn’t here for any of it. Well, at least Abed isn’t here for it, because he keeps bringing it up.