Getting To The Bottom Of The Bottle: 25 Best Bottle Episodes

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Photo: FX

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – “The Gang Goes To Hell, part 2”

“The Gang Goes To Hell” is the second installment of a two parter in which the gang has been thrown into the brig of a sinking Christian cruise. Ostensibly having their own individual existential crises, each character deals with their impending doom uniquely, but they’re all equally absurd.

This show has come to rely on the dynamics of the cast pretty heavily, so trapping them all in dire circumstances seems a little like cheating, or at the very least, short-hand. Although the second part of the season 11 finale was reliably Sunny, it still felt true to the show we know and love.  And what we know and love about this show is its flagrant lack of concern for continuity and its reliance on a (very) high concept.

Of course, some of the bits didn’t go over so well. With some distance and with current circumstances on my mind, Dee’s particularly racist impression of Obama leaves me a little squeamish. But Dennis’ using “Oi Oi Oi,” a popular soccer chant to calm Charlie., a newly gay Mac trying to lead the boys through a dinner party, and Charlie screaming “Get your hooker’s foot out of my chicken!” were all solid bits of hilarity.