Stephen Colbert Brings Back The WERD: Thanks Obama


Stephen Colbert brings back the WERD for a second time this week, this time to say the “werds” we’re all thinking: “Thanks Obama.”

As we noted earlier this week when Stephen Colbert brought back “The WERD” to discuss the repeal of Obamacare, one of his major issues with Comedy Central was their insistence that they “owned” his character (and his very name) of Stephen Colbert, the blowhard pundit.

Well perhaps the election results, and the need for the American public to hear from the former host of The Colbert report softened the hearts of lawyers. Or maybe CBS worked out a deal. Because last night, in the middle of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Colbert brought out a special guest: Colbert.

Speaking from his cabin up in the mythical “Mountains of Justice, (where he apparently lives with Jon Stewart), Colbert returned to say farewell to the man who these past eight years was his “worthy adversary”, Barack Obama.

The rise of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert coincided originally with the election of our last controversial president, George W. Bush, who, until this past election, was considered to be our most lightweight president in modern times, seen as not that intellectual, or curious about the world. And though both Stewart and Colbert’s ratings stayed high through the first four Obama years, it should not be lost on anyone that both abandoned their posts during his second term, as progressives got complacent, and Hillary’s win in 2016 seemed all but assured.

Next: What You Should Do Instead of Watching the Inauguration

Now, with an incoming president that makes George W. Bush seem like halcyon days, and the liberal establishment once again on defense, it looks like it might be the time for those who inherited their mantel to take up the fight. And it seems like, from his new perch, Colbert too will be doing his best to get his licks in too.