Here are 9 Men Who Prove that Being a Male Feminist is Cool

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Copyright Marvel Studios

3. Chris Evans

Captain America himself is a huge feminist. Not because it is required of him by Marvel (honestly it made me laugh to write that since Marvel CANNOT write women properly) but rather because of his own mother.

“My mom told me that the best thing you can give a woman is attention. She said ‘Listen to her instead of trying to impress her.’ My mom fought for feminism in her day and she instilled in me the importance of equality.”

Chris Evans is probably the second of the Chrises to be the best. He had his bro-like moments to start out but he continually proves himself as a feminist and wants equality for all.

He is just a really special guy who does so much for children (dressing up like Captain America for them) as well as speaking up on equality. Chris Evans is one of the best things that Marvel ever did. He truly is Steve Rogers in the flesh and tries to make the world a better place each and every day.

Yes it’s not great that his mother had to teach him about equality but honestly, who else is going to show him? At least he’s out there trying to make a difference.