It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the tasks that lie ahead of us over the next four years of a Trump presidency. But don’t let apathy set in. Here are a few ways to stay politically active.
Here is it, January 20, 2017–the day the world ended. Okay, so it didn’t actually end. We’re all physically still on this Earth, trying to come to grips with the fact that a man who stands against everything we believe in has just taken the oath to represent everyone in the United States of America. Many of us know that the fight against Trump doesn’t end on Inauguration Day. In may seem overwhelming, but we still have work to do. And there are plenty of ways to stay civically active over the next four years (and beyond!) As Hillary Clinton said on November 9, 2016: “Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time.” Here are a few ways to stay involved.
Join a Local Action Group
After the 2016 election, Beau Willimon, creator of House of Cards, formed the Action Group Network in order “to motivate and facilitate a Culture of Action through a network of Action Groups”. What’s an action group? Action groups are simply small groups of people who gather together to address issues and complete concrete actions of importance to them. Willimon has been traveling across the country hosting meetings where people interested in joining a local action group can come together to discuss specific issues in their communities and meet like-minded citizens.
Forming Action Groups to lobby mayors/city councils to become Sanctuary Cities. Add your town. Contact us:
— Action Group Network (@ActionGroupNet) January 2, 2017
Run for Local Office
Have you ever thought about running for local office? It might be easier than you think. In many towns, there are local positions on county boards, commissions, and other offices that require various levels of commitment. Some only require meetings once a month–meaning that you could get involved even if you already have a full-time job. Plus, there are organizations like She Should Run whose goal is to “provide thoughtful guidance and support to women and girls considering a future run for office.” She Should Run even has an Incubator which is a set of online courses designed to “develop practical skills and give context for what matters most through the lens of public service”. Make a difference beginning at the local level in your community!
Volunteer with Organizations Impacted by Trump Administration
Many organizations doing great work will be negatively impacted by a Trump presidency. One organization is Planned Parenthood, who has already faced the potential to lose federal funding. So how can you help Planned Parenthood? You could donate money of course, but they also need volunteers. You can volunteer to be a clinic escort or one of the other volunteer opportunities on their website.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) “fights for people’s rights in courts, legislatures, and communities throughout the country” and is taking donations to defend against any civil liberties violations the new administration might commit. But did you know that you can also get involved in local ACLU chapters? Many have officer positions open and other opportunities to get involved.
Get Informed
Make sure you have all of the information you need to take action. When you feel confident in the knowledge of the issues, you’ll be more invested in taking action. So join email lists for all of your local representatives and study up on local elections. Go find out who your representatives are and then head over to Ballotpedia, whose goal is “to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government”. They have information ranging from school board elections to news on specific areas of policy.
Image via MyCivicWorkout
Learn What to Take Action On
MyCivicWorkout knows that becoming civically minded doesn’t happen overnight–just like getting in shape. And with the plethora of action items floating around daily, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. MyCivicWorkout knows this and their goal “is to help those feeling overwhelmed, daunted, and disheartened to engage in meaningful civic activism”. They’ll send you a nifty newsletter that gives you options for civic “workouts” that take 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes.
Wall Of Us has a straightforward goal: “To make it simply irresistible for Americans to become active participants in rebuilding our democracy.” How do they do this? By sending subscribers four concrete actions a week that range from opposing legislation, taking an oath, or joining a march. By breaking down the actions into easy, digestible tasks once a week, this newsletter will keep you engaged without feeling so overwhelmed that you can’t function for the next four years.
Put Your Money Where Your Beliefs Are
Two women have started the #GrabYourWallet movement in response to Trump’s comments about grabbing women. So why not grab him where it hurts? Over on, you’ll find a list of stores that sell Trump products, which some are choosing to boycott. The site also includes lists of stores that have taken a stand either against Trump or strongly for “inclusivity and respect”. Using your spending decisions as a form of protest is an easy way to show your disapproval of Trump Administration policies daily.
Related Story: What’s Next for the Obamas?
Over the next four years, there will be plenty of reasons to lose hope. It will become easier as time goes on to grow apathetic, or at the very least overwhelmed. You don’t need to do everything on this list, but pick something you can reasonably commit to do daily, weekly, monthly, etc.