9 Important Coming Out Stories We Need In Trump’s America

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Image via Screenshot of The CW

With an impending government who’s not very LGBT friendly, it’s critical to have stories on television right now to remind you it’ll get better.

Television is a safe haven. It’s a place that you can go to and be completely yourself- no judgments, no need to hide. You can sink into these characters that are being portrayed and find solace by watching your own story played out by someone.

Especially now; especially with the inauguration of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, the least LGBT friendly pairing in political history. We could fight political opinions all you want but no matter what side you’re on, you have to agree with me there. One of them wants to get rid of gay marriage while the other one thinks conversion therapy is a legitimate way to rid queers of the gay. So, while we’re living in this nightmare and while our own government is telling us who to love and how to love them, we need television more than ever right now. And specifically, television that portrays people coming out as queer and being accepted for it.

So, I’m bringing you some of the best story lines from television of characters who have or are in the process of coming out. This is important right now; it’s necessary. We need to see ourselves on screen being happy and accepted and loved because if our own president and vice president won’t accept us, we need to know that someone will.