20 Things You Can Do Today to Make The World a Better Place

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Pitch Perfect is always good life advice (Photo: Universal Pictures)

Spread the Word About Artists You Admire

You probably like many different artists in many different formats. You likely have favorite writers, illustrators, comic creators, musicians, and more. Some of them may already be well known or super successful, but many of them probably aren’t. And even if they are, one of the best ways you can help them become even more so is by telling other people about them. It’s easy

Did someone draw something you love? Something you think other people should see? Post it on your Facebook wall (with proper credit, of course). Did someone write something you felt was fantastic – whether it was an article, a feature or a story on their personal blog? Tweet about it. Start listening to a podcast that you love? Tell your friends. Great content – whether it’s written, drawn or otherwise – doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If no one know about that thing you love, it might go away. People don’t just find good work on accident. So tell them about it.

Of course, if you have spare cash and your artist of choice has a Kickstarter or a Patreon? Donate to that. It’ll help them make more of whatever it is that you love. This is particularly important as far as independent artists, writers and podcasters go. Most of them are probably doing whatever that thing is you love, for free, while trying to hold down a day job at the same time. Help them out. At the very least, tell them how much their work means to you, and how much you appreciate that they’re doing it. It’ll make both your days.