20 Things You Can Do Today to Make The World a Better Place

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Lots of places need your help these days. (Photo: Lionsgate)


Can you spare a few hours in your week? There are TONS of great organizations out there doing good in the world that need your help. Go volunteer for them! They’d love to have you! (I promise, they would!)

Think about a cause that’s particularly near and dear to your heart. Love animals? Go walk dogs and help care for kittens at your local animal shelter. Want to help women in need? Train to be a clinic escort at your local Planned Parenthood. Adore the arts? Volunteer to take tickets or stuff programs at your local non-profit theater. Want to help the homeless? Sign up for some shifts at a soup kitchen. Feeling civic minded? Make phone calls or knock on doors for a candidate in your area who supports your values.

Volunteering doesn’t have to take up a ton of your time, either. You can commit to helping out for as many hours as you’d like, and as your schedule allows. You can even volunteer from home online, doing anything from writing to research to graphic design.

There are so many great organizations out there, doing so much good. And they need all the help they can get! You’ll feel great, and you’ll help a good cause at the same time.