25 of the creepiest Disney movies ever made

TOY STORY THAT TIME FORGOT - Pixar Animation Studios presents "Toy Story That Time Forgot," featuring your favorite characters from the "Toy Story" films, airing THURSDAY, DEC. 12 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (Disney/Pixar 2014)REX, BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, WOODY, TRIXIE
TOY STORY THAT TIME FORGOT - Pixar Animation Studios presents "Toy Story That Time Forgot," featuring your favorite characters from the "Toy Story" films, airing THURSDAY, DEC. 12 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (Disney/Pixar 2014)REX, BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, WOODY, TRIXIE /
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Tron (Image via Walt Disney Productions)

10. Tron

A software engineer accidentally gets scanned into a computer game and must navigate his way out. Sounds really cool, until you realize that the game actually wants to kill you. Oh, and you have to wear a doofy outfit the whole time. But at least you get to meet Jeff Bridges.

Jeff Bridges plays Kevin Flynn, the aforementioned software engineer. He works for ENCOM, a large computer company. When one of Flynn’s fellow engineers, Ed Dillinger, starts to steal his programming work, Flynn gets rightfully mad. Dillinger, by the way, has also created a self-aware AI called Master Control Program (MCP). However, MCP has started to get power-hungry and plans to take over both the Pentagon and the Kremlin. It’s started to blackmail Dillinger in order to intimidate him into silence.

He starts to gather evidence of wrongdoing with good old fashioned computer work. However, MCP uses an experimental laser to scan Flynn and magically flings him into the actual computer system. Don’t think about it too hard.

It’s terrifying enough to think that your computer is inhabited by intelligent, self-aware programs. It gets weirder if you think of them as actual tiny people dressed in futuristic lacrosse great. Stranger still to contemplate the possibility that they’re engaged in gladiatorial warfare while also processing your search request.