Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look on Repealing Obamacare


Each night, it seems like Seth Meyers continues to prove himself as one of our favorite talk show hosts. This time, it’s his stance on Obamacare.

Seth Meyers had a bit of a rough start to his late night game but that is definitely changing. He is the only one on NBC actually taking on Trump and all that the GOP is doing and he’s making it clear that he’s not going to let up.

His most recent “A Closer Look” looked into Trump’s non-existent healthcare plan and the embarrassment of the GOP and Paul Ryan.

“What does we’re going to win on healthcare even mean?” Seth asks and honestly, does anybody know? It seems as if Seth Meyers is really doing his part to take down Trump one closer look at a time. In his most recent one, Seth took on Trump and his ‘repeal and replace’ idea.

Then there was the senator who decided to make a weird goat analogy to try and explain why he wanted Obamacare repealed. The goat was destroying his house and he needed to get the goat out before he could renovate his house. To which Seth responded with “What is life like in your district?”

The thing about all of this is that Paul Ryan doesn’t seem to really care that people depend on Obamacare. Even when a republican explained how it saved his life, Ryan simply said that the premiums were going up. “Better go see a doctor now before I take away your health insurance.”

Related Story: Seth Meyers Takes on Donald Trump and He Left No Survivors

Seth, continue to give us these closer looks. You’re proving that we can trust late night television still and we’re loving this new John Oliver feel you have going on!