Seth Meyers Takes on Donald Trump and He Left No Survivors


Donald Trump is talk show gold and Seth Meyers is proving how to correctly talk about the president elect and his transition into the White House.

Seth Meyers has not shied away from targeting Trump and making sure his feelings on the matter are heard. And now, his closer look into this last week of Trump fiascos was his best one yet. Not even touching on the Trump Dossier, Meyers managed to tear apart each topic he brought up and honestly, it wasn’t even half of what happened with our president-elect in the last few days.

Seth gets into Ben Carson’s remark that it is not his intention to help any American (a slip up by Carson but comedy gold for every comedian and a dream statement for comedy shows to run with). But that’s not even the best part of Seth’s rant. The best? When he starts getting into James Comey.

If you don’t know, Comey is one of the main reasons that people did not trust Hillary Clinton. He continually talked about her case over her emails publically and then when he had his hearing this last week said he wouldn’t comment publicly on an on-going case. Ironic, right?

You can watch the full closer look here and believe me, you’re going to want to. Especially since Seth has a way of pleading to every America. His comments on the issue with Rep. John Lewis are a perfect example of this.

Also, in a related guest spot, Jake Tapper of CNN stopped by to discuss breaking the major story last week, and Trump’s efforts to discredit the network.

Related Story: Seth Meyers Takes On Donald Trump’s Press Conference

Seth is doing an incredible job with balancing the funny of a talk show host while still giving us that information on Trump that many news outlets are now shying away from. He’s not afraid to take him on and we respect him more each and every day.