5 Reasons Why We’ll Miss Michelle Obama as FLOTUS

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(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain,)

Michelle Obama broke the mold of what we have come to expect from the First Lady of the United States of America. Here are five reasons why we will miss FLOTUS.

The job of First Lady of the United States of America (FLOTUS) is not an actual office and has no official duties, but is one of the most highly visible positions around the world. The job of FLOTUS has evolved over the years and thanks to Michelle Obama, even more so in her tenure. We currently have four living former first ladies. They have all brought something different to the office.

Earlier first ladies were widely considered hostess for the White House. It was not until the 20th century the role of FLOTUS moved into a position of advocating for causes that are not politically divisive. Hillary Clinton might have taken on the most ambitious cause of trying to overhaul the healthcare system in America. Unfortunately for Clinton, her healthcare plan did not pass. It did pave the way for future first ladies to involve themselves in politics.

As the mother of two millennial daughters, Michelle Obama understands the thoughts and concerns of young people better than any other First Lady has. She understood to make her projects work she needed to go out and reach out to the young people of our country. That meant going on television shows that are relevant to young people, getting a Twitter account and even starting a hashtag. The young people of this country had no better advocate.

Mrs. Obama is also the most fashionable First Lady we have ever had. She has worn dresses of famous designers to balls, but her best look is when she’s rocking her print dresses leggings and tops. It was a look any working mom could relate to, and the casual look definitely worked for her.

Michelle Obama took the job as First Lady into the 21st century and we will forever be grateful. Here are five reasons why we will all miss Michelle Obama as our FLOTUS.