17 of Our Favorite Doctors on Grey’s Anatomy

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15. Lexie Grey

You can’t be a Grey if you’re not emotionally damaged. And while Lexie wasn’t as overtly damaged as her older sister, she was a mess in her own way.

From the moment we met her, she appeared to be fragile and was used to being overlooked. As Thatcher became an alcoholic, Lexie stayed close to home so she could keep an eye on him, even if that meant being in the warpath of Meredith. In addition to graduating from Harvard, she also had a photographic memory, which made her an almost perfect doctor. Or at least, the perfect candidate to be used by her peers and fellow surgeons.

Despite being the “lesser Grey” of the series, Lexie fought to be taken seriously and never treated anyone else as poorly as she was often treated. She gave everyone a chance. Though she may have belonged with Mark, she stood up for herself by leaving the relationship and refusing to put up with the secrecy or a situation that made her uncomfortable.

I mean, it’s not easy to say no and it’s not easy to work with a sister who pretends to hate you for quite some time, but Lexie pushed through it and she deserved better.

Not that I don’t love Chyler Leigh on Supergirl or anything. I’m just saying, Lexie deserved better.