17 of Our Favorite Doctors on Grey’s Anatomy

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7. Arizona Robbins

Peds is hardcore. Arizona Robbins, the rare, exotic bird that she is, is hardcore. Not only is she one of the most accomplished fetal surgeons on the planet, but she’s also one of the longest lasting LGBT characters on television that hasn’t been randomly killed off. And I mean, she’s also the longest lasting main character with legitimate plotlines and character development.

First introduced in Season 5, Arizona Robbins arrives at the hospital as a perky, carefree peds surgeon who works alongside Bailey on a patient. Basically, she rolls around the hospital trying to get everyone to take pediatrics — and all of its bright colors and laughter — seriously. “[Pediatric surgery] is not general surgery in miniature.”

After losing her leg in the plane crash, it takes Arizona a while to bounce back to her old self. It was quite scary to watch her recovery if I’m being honest. But she was resilient and she made it through, and she became a better doctor because of it. Though it was too late to save her marriage, Arizona became a better mother, too. Plus, she learned that sometimes love is letting go, and that’s cool.

Thankfully, Richard taught her how to fly again, and she’ll hopefully get a better arc in the second half of Season 13.