20 Of The Coolest Female Robots In Science Fiction

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Screenshot from Metropolis (Image via UFA GmbH)

20. Maria/Maschinenmensch (Metropolis)

Metropolis is a classic of science fiction filmmaking. If you think silent films are dull, this one will change your opinion of the entire genre. The movie is visually stunning, for one, featuring elaborate special effects and filmmaking techniques. Frankly, it could put quite a few modern filmmakers to shame.

The story first follows Freder, the son of city leader Joh Fredersen. Freder lounges about in a pleasure garden, only to be interrupted by Maria, a young woman who lives with lower-class workers beneath the city. Though she is quickly driven away from the garden, Freder is intrigued. He follows her into the city and is horrified to see the tragic life of the workers who live in the bowels of Metropolis.

Metropolis eventually shifts focus to Rotwang, an inventor. He teams up with Freder’s father to discourage the young man from his new interest in the worker class. How do they plan to accomplish this? With a robot, naturally.

Said robot was originally constructed to “resurrect” Hel, a woman who captured the attention of both Rotwang and Joh Fredersen. She eventually married Joh and died in childbirth many years ago.

Rotwang is persuaded to use his creepy robot project for another purpose. The robot – variously called Maria, Futura, and the Maschinenmensch – now takes on the form of the “good” Maria and wreaks havoc throughout the city. Said havoc includes a nightclub scene in which the Maschinenmensch performs a sexy dance routine that drives patrons to riot.

This is not exactly a representation free of sexism. With good/evil dichotomies and a poisonous sexuality, Metropolis is firmly rooted in the early 20th century. Still, if you can get past the weirdly religious 1920s ideas about women and sexuality, it’s worth your time.