Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 10 Recap: Will Scarsdale Like Josh’s Shayna Punim?

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is taking Josh and Rebecca back to her childhood home and that means a time of change for Rebecca, her mother, and Josh.

Last week, we got two new episodes of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. This week we are unfortunately back to one, but it was a good one to get. Josh and Rebecca go back to Scarsdale while Darryl and Nathaniel square off as bosses.

And let’s not forget Rebecca’s fear that she is starting to lose her feelings for Josh because of what Nathaniel said to her.

We’ll Never Have Problems Again

Josh and Rebecca are still very much in love with each other. Or, kind of. The two are forcing their ‘happiness’ on those around them, and Rebecca is even bringing him home with her to go to her cousin’s bar mitzvah. There, it isn’t exactly what they thought it would be, mainly because Josh is enjoying himself and Rebecca wants him to be miserable with her.

Rebecca and her Mother

We’ve learned throughout the show that Rebecca and her mother don’t have the best relationship. Most of what we have seen is based on how Rebecca feels about her mother. But this episode flips that view a little.

We already know that her mother was just trying to protect Rebecca from her father and the people in her life that didn’t love her but now, with Josh dealing with her, it is clear that Rebecca’s mother is not nearly as bad as we have perceived her in the past.

Darryl the Boss

Nathaniel and Darryl were at odds through most the episode. Basically Nathaniel wanted everyone to work harder and wanted the candy in the office gone. Darryl obviously wanted the opposite.

But as the episode goes on, you end up feeling bad for Nathaniel. He wants to make his father proud, and when he can’t, he eats the candy that Darryl passive-aggressively brings back into the office. In order to fix it, he pushes himself so much that he falls and knocks out his front tooth.

Luckily, the two create a sort of friendship at the end of the episode and I hope it continues on!

Remember That We Suffered (AKA PATTI LUPONE)

PATTI LUPONE WAS ON CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND. If you’re a Broadway fan, this was a big one. The whole episode was great and it was fun but honestly, nothing was better than this song and Patti LuPone.

Honestly, that should make you watch this episode alone. Did you read that correctly? Patti LuPone was on it.

But the biggest shocker of the episode? Rebecca and Josh get engaged even though Rebecca was JUST about to figure herself out. And in that moment, Rebecca’s psychiatrist was us and we were all her psychiatrist.

Related Story: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: When Do I Get to Spend Time with Josh?

Tune in next week for another recap of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.