20 Ways to Brighten Your Year With Mindful Wellness

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7. Try guided meditation

I’m a big proponent of guided meditation. I love the idea that just the mind (and someone’s gentle, soothing words) can bring you into a state of pure relaxation. It just depends what you’re looking for help with that day, but I can pretty much guarantee if it’s what ails you, you’ll find a guided meditation audio about it somewhere online.

Meditation is a powerful technique that dates back centuries. While we don’t expect you to sit with your knees folded and chant “om” over and over again, think of this as another little break for yourself. There’s videos designed to be a quick 10-minute stop off in the day, and others can last about an hour. Still, there’s some to listen to as you fall asleep, helping focus all your energy into the present and drift you off into a peaceful sleep.

We also want to suggest binaural beats, which are long pieces of audio designed to put you in a waking meditative state. I use these a lot when I’m writing in the newsroom. While some may see them as nothing more than a placebo effect, there is something to be said about what can put you in a better mood. These long, lovely audio pieces can help your desires flow to you, help find your soulmate, or even give you a millionaire mindset. But like with anything, if you put out to the universe, you have to give back. So upon using these kinds of audio techniques, it’s best to maintain the positivity you feel for as long as you can all day.