20 Ways to Brighten Your Year With Mindful Wellness

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4. Take time for morning breathing exercises

Waking up is hard to do, especially on those days where it’s so toasty warm in your bed. But there’s a few tricks in order to jumpstart your brain and body without ever having to leave your king-sized comforter.

Some people do morning yoga, others take time for a mindful meditation session. But there’s some very simple breathing exercises you can do in order to de-stress and start the day off right. Just make sure you don’t drift back off to sleep.

Start by lying on your back, and getting a feel of your tummy just below the ribcage. Breathe in as deep as you can, feeling the belly expand like a balloon. Hold in for a few counts, then slowly release through your mouth. Make all the morning and moaning noises you’d like, there’s no one around to hear. Do this for a few breaths. You can also do a technique called “4-7-8 breaths.” Breathe in slowly for 4 seconds. Hold for 7, breathe out silently for 8. Doing this a couple times will help ease your stress and give you a good start to the day.

For more breathing techniques, you can check out this website. Happy breathing.