20 Ways to Brighten Your Year With Mindful Wellness

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3. Hone in on things you’re passionate about

What’s the thing you absolutely love to do? Write? Sing? Conduct chemistry experiments? Perhaps there’s multiple things you’re keen on doing. But now’s as good a time as any to really focus in on what you love to do, and sharpen your skills in order to take you to the next level.

There’s an old saying that “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” But sometimes, we do have to work in the meantime. We all have to find our day job or side hustle in order to focus on what we really love to do. Everything else is just excess noise until the opportune moment when you can break free and give your passion your all. Above all else, it’s best to have patience and let things unfold one day at a time.

Everyone has the thing they love above all else. It may take you years to find it, and you may hop around from job to job in order to become more grounded. This is okay. Let this year give you pause in order to find what you’re most passionate about. If you’ve found your thing, I’m officially jealous, but this is just your chance to sharpen and smooth out those edges a little bit. Great things are on the way if you’re willing to put in the work.