20 Ways to Brighten Your Year With Mindful Wellness

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9. Take a break

You all work very hard, so make sure you don’t deny yourself things just because you have things to do. That includes the occasional run to Taco Bell. Sometimes stress can be so overwhelming, it could honestly drive you off the deep end. Don’t allow stress to overcome you. Take that break you need in order to do what you have to do.

There’s a reason we get vacation days from our job every year. Employers want you to use them. Taking some time to treat yourself and go somewhere extra special  in 2017 is one of life’s little pleasures. If we take that pause from whatever is causing our hair to fall out, we can come back to work refreshed, relaxed, and ready to go. The world is out there for you to explore, and if you have the funds and the means, we fully support you going for it.

But know your limitations. If you have work to do and you find yourself shirking, make sure you do something to get your focus back to where it needs to be. If you have to scroll on Tumblr for at least a half-hour, we understand. Just make sure that whatever obligations you’ve set for yourself you’re able to fulfill to the highest degree possible.