20 Reasons Why Moulin Rouge is the Best Movie Musical

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Image courtesy of Fox Studios

Come What May

The song that Christian writes for Satine so the two of them could sing it to each other no matter what is truly one of the best things about this movie. I keep saying that but maybe it is just because this movie is fantastic.

With “Come What May”, the first time we hear it is so powerful because we hear Christian singing his emotions to Satine. He just wants her to know that no matter what, he is there for her and that they will always love each other.

As the movie goes on, we know that’s not true, but this first version of the song really shows how much they love one another against all odds. They are not meant to be together but they are head over heels in love with each other and don’t care what happens to their lives because of it. Truly, it is heartbreaking and moving at the same time.

These two have to fight against all odds to be together but they want to. They eagerly just want to be in love and it is something completely out of their hands that separates them. But they always know, “there is not mountain to high, no river to wide, sing out this song and I’ll be there by your side.”